Welcome to Tzin Lab!
Increasing crop yields to ensure global food security is an important challenge in the scientific community. One of the primary reasons for yield loss is insect-herbivore damage. Plants learn to recognize when insects are attacking them and have evolved a complex array of chemical compounds (metabolites) to reduce damage and survive. Plants do so through processes which include the biosynthesis of toxic metabolites to deter herbivores, the release of “calling for help” molecules to attract predators, and even signals to other plants to “prepare for a herbivore attack.”
Our long-term goal is to identify genes and molecular markers that are suitable for controlling agricultural pests and generating resistant plants. This knowledge is critical for uncovering the effects of multiple biotic and abiotic stresses of dryland plants.
Lab News
Welcome Xingyun, a visiting scientist from China
October 2022: Welcome Yoshi and Anmol to the M.Sc program in our lab
Zhaniya continues her scientific journey at the University of Florida. Good luck
Congratulations to Anuma for receiving the Certificate of Excellence for Ph.D. students for the 20-21 academic year
Congratulations to Zhaniya for receiving the Dean's Prize for Ph.D. students for the 20-21 academic year
Congratulations to Ashageru and Akuk for receiving AKIS Excellence Scholarship
Congratulations to Anuma and Ashageru for receiving the Moshe Mirilashvili Center for Food Security in the Deser Award
February 2022: Zhaniay Ph.D. final seminar
October 2021: Let Kho start a Ph.D. program
October 2021: Akuk started an M.Sc. program together
with Miki Ben-Yosef (Gilat, ARO)
Where are we?
French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands
Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the NegevSede Boqer Campus, 849900, Israel
Office: +972-(0)8-6596749, Lab +972-(0)8-6596744
Email: vtzin@bgu.ac.il

Insect bioasssays