Most updated publication list: https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?user=fpUy_xUAAAAJ&hl=en
Comparative analysis of volatiles emitted from tomato and pepper plants in response to infection by two whiteflies transmitted persistent viruses (2022). Ghosh, S. Didi-Cohen, S. Cna’ani, A. Kontsedalov, S. Lebedev, G. Tzin, V. and Ghanim, M. insects 13 (9) 840
Bumblebee attraction to Matthiola livida flowers is altered by combined water stress and insect herbivory (2022). Salman, N.A.I. Cna’ani, A. Tzin, V. and Seifan, M. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 170: 666– 680.
The transcription factor TaMYB31 regulates the benzoxazinoid biosynthetic pathway in wheat (2022). Batyrshina, Z. Shavit, R. Yaakov, B. Bocobza, S. and Tzin, V. Journal of Experimental Botany 73 (16) 5634–5649
Characterizing serotonin biosynthesis in Setaria viridis leaves and its effect on aphids (2022). Dangol, A. Shavit, R. Yaakov, B. Strickler, SR. Jander, G. and Tzin, V. Plant Molecular Biology 1-17
The wheat dioxygenase BX6 is involved in the formation of benzoxazinoids in planta and contributes to plant defense against insect herbivores (2022). Shavit, R. Batyrshina, Z. Yaakov, B. Florean, M. Köllner, GT. and Tzin, V. Plant Science. 111171 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2021.111171
Oil pollution affects the central metabolism of keystone Vachellia (Acacia) trees (2021). Ferrante, M. Dangol, A. Didi-Cohen, S. Winter, G. Tzin, V. and Segoli, M. Sustainability 13(12), 6660 https://doi.org/10.3390/su13126660
The effectiveness of physical and chemical defense responses of wild emmer wheat against aphids depends on leaf position and genotype (2021). Singh, A. Dilkes, B. Sela, H. and Tzin, V. Frontiers in Plant Science 12:667820 https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.667820
Phylogeny and abiotic conditions shape the diel floral emission patterns of desert Brassicaceae species (2021) Cna’ani, A. Dener, E. Been-Zeev, E. Günther, J. Köllner, GT. Tzin, V. and Seifan, M. Plant, Cell and Enviroment 1-16
Tomato cultivars resistant or susceptible to spider mites differ in their biosynthesis and metabolic profile of the monoterpenoid pathway (2021) Weinblum, N. Cna’ani, A. Yaakov, B. Sadeh, A. Avraham, L. Opatovsky, I, and Tzin, V. frontiers in Plant Science 12 (630155)
Variation between three Eragrostis tef accessions in defense responses to Rhopalosiphum padi aphid infestation. (2020) Gyan, MN. Yaakov, B. Weinblum, N. Singh, A. Cna'ani, A. Ben-Zeev, S. Saranga, Y. and Tzin, V. frontiers in Plant Science 11 (593483)
Plant breeding involving genetic engineering does not result in unacceptable unintended effects in rice relative to conventional cross‐breeding. (2020) Liu, Q. Yang, X. Tzin, V. Peng, Y. Romeis, J. and Li, Y. The Plant Journal
The combined impacts of wheat spatial position and phenology on cereal aphid abundance. (2020) Batyrshina, SZ, Yaakov, B. Cna'ani, A. Rozenberg, T. Seifan, M. and Tzin V. PeerJ. e9142
Nitrogen deprivation-induced production of volatile organic compounds in the arachidonic-acid-accumulating microalga Lobosphaera incisa underpins their role as ROS scavengers and chemical messengers (2020) Kumari, P. Cna'ani, A. Didi-Cohen, S. Tzin, V. and Khoozin-Goldberg, I.
Frontiers in Marine Science. 7:410
Comparative transcriptomic and metabolic analysis of wild and domesticated wheat genotypes reveals differences in chemical and physical defense responses against aphids. (2020) Batyrshina, SZ, Yaakov, B. Shavit, R. Singh, A. and Tzin V. BMC Plant Biology. 20(19)
Integrated metabolomics identifies CYP72A67 and CYP72A68 oxidases in the biosynthesis of Medicago truncatula oleanate sapogenins. (2019) Tzin, V. Snyder, JH. Yang, DS. Huhman, DV. Watson, BS. Allen, SN. Tang, Y. Miettinen, K. Arendt, P. Pollier, J. Goossens, A. and Sumner, LW. Metabolomics. 15(85)
Cereal aphids differently affect benzoxazinoid levels in durum wheat. (2018) Shavit, R. Batyrshina, SZ. Dotan, N. and Tzin, V. Plos One. 13(12)
Exploring the metabolic variation between domesticated and wild tetraploid wheat genotypes in response to corn leaf aphid infestation (2018) Chandrasekhar, K. Shavit, R. Distelfeld, A. Christensen, S.A. and Tzin, V. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 13:6, e1486148
Maize carbohydrate partitioning defective impacts carbohydrate distribution, callose accumulation, and phloem function (2018) Julius, B.T. Slewinski, TL. Baker, R.F. Tzin, V. Zhou, S. Bihmidine, S. Jander, G. and Braun. D.M. Journal of Experimental Botany. 69 (16) 3917-3931
Indole is an essential molecule for plant interactions with herbivores and pollinators.
Cna’ani, A. Seifan, M. and Tzin, V. (2018) Journal of Plant Biology and Crop Research. 1(1)1003
A role for 9-lipoxygenases in maize defense against insect herbivory.
Woldemariam, MG. Ahern, KR. Jander. G and Tzin, V. (2018) Plant Signaling & Behavior. 13:1, e1422462
Rapid defense responses in maize leaves induced by Spodoptera exigua caterpillar feeding.
Tzin, V. Hojo, Y. Strickler, SR. Bartsch, LJ. Archer, CM. Ahern, KR. Christensen, SA. Galis, I. Mueller, LA. and Jander. G. (2017) Journal of Experimental Botany. 68 (16), 4709–4723
A global co-expression network approach for connecting genes to specialized metabolic pathways in plants. Wisecaver, JH. Borowsky, AT. Tzin, V. Jander, G. Kliebenstein, D. and Rokas, A. (2017) Plant Cell. doi:10.1105/tpc.17.00009
Combined transcriptome and metabolome analyses to understand the dynamic responses of rice plants to attack by the rice stem borer Chilo suppressalis. (2016). Liu, Q. Wang*, X. Tzin, V. Romeis, J. Peng, Y. and Li, Y. BMC Plant Biology. 16 (1), 259
Metabolic engineering of the phenylpropanoid and its primary, precursor pathway to enhance the flavor of fruits and the aroma of flowers. Peled-Zehavi, H. Qingjun Xie, Q. Oliva, M. Tzin, V. Oren-Shamir, M. Aharoni, A and Galili, G. (2015) Bioengineering. 2(4), 204-2 (Review)
Dynamic maize responses to aphid feeding are revealed by a time series of transcriptomic and metabolomic assays. Tzin, V. Fernandez-Pozo, N. Richter, A. Schmelz, EA. Schoettner, M. Schäfer, M. Ahern, KR. Meihls, LN. Kaur, H. Huffaker, A. Mori, N. Degenhardt, J. Mueller, L.A. and Jander, G. (2015). Plant Physiology. 169(3) 1727-1743
Alteration of plant primary metabolism in response to insect herbivory. Zhou, S.* Lou, YR.* Tzin, V.* and Jander, G. (2015). Plant Physiology. 169(3) 1488-1498 (Review)
Genetic mapping shows intraspecific variation and transgressive segregation for caterpillar-induced aphid resistance in maize. Tzin, V. Lindsay, PL. Christensen, SA. Meihls, LN. Blue, L., and Jander, G. (2015). Molecular Ecology. 24(22):5739-5750 (November Cover)
Altered levels of aroma and volatiles by metabolic engineering of shikimate pathway genes in tomato fruits. Tzin, V.** Rogachev, I. Meir, S. Moyal Ben Zvi, M. Masci, T. Vainstein, A. Aharoni, A. and Galili, G. (2015) AIMS Bioengineering. 2(2): 75-92
RNA interference against gut osmoregulatory genes in phloem-feeding insects. Tzin, V.* Yang, X.* Jing, X. Zhang, K. Jander, G. and Douglas, EA. (2015). Journal of Insect Physiology. 79: 105–112
Regulation of primary plant metabolism during plant-pathogen interactions and its contribution to plant defense. (2014) Rojas, CM. Tzin, V. Senthil-Kumar, M. and Mysore, KS. Frontiers in Plant-Microbe Interaction fpls.2014.00017
Extraction and Measurement the Activities of Cytosolic Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase (PEPCK) and Plastidic NADP-dependent Malic Enzyme (ME) on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Osorio, S. Vallarino, JG. Szecowka, M. Ufaz, S. Tzin, V. Angelovici, R. Galili, G. and Fernie, AR. (2014). bio-protocol. May4;9 e1122 http://www.bio-protocol.org/e1122
Near-isogenic lines for measuring phenotypic effects of DIMBOA-Glc methyltransferase activity in maize. Mijares, V. Meihls, L. Jander, G. and Tzin, V.** (2013). Plant Signaling and Behavior. Oct 29;9(1).
Tomato fruits expressing a bacterial feedback-insensitive 3-deoxy-d- arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase of the shikimate pathway possess enhanced levels of multiple specialized metabolites and upgraded aroma. Tzin, V. Rogachev, I. Meir, S. Moyal Ben Zvi, M. Masci, T. Vainstein, A. Aharoni, A. and Galili, G. (2013). Journal of Experimental Botany. 64 (14): 4441-4452.
Alteration of the interconversion of pyruvate and malate in the plastid or cytosol of ripening tomato fruit invoke diverse consequences on sugar, yet similar effects on cellular organic acid, metabolism and transitory starch accumulation. Osorio, S. Vallarino, JG. Szecowka, M. Ufaz, S. Tzin, V. Angelovici, R. Galili, G. and Fernie, AR. (2013).
Plant Physiology. 161(2):628-643.
Shikimate pathway and aromatic amino acid biosynthesis. Tzin, V. Galili, G. and Aharoni, A. (2012). eLS. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0001315.pub2.
Deciphering energy-associated gene networks operating in the response of Arabidopsis plants to stress and nutritional cues. Avin-Wittenberg, T. Tzin, V. Angelovici, R. Less, H. and Galili, G. (2012). Plant Journal. 70: 954–966. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.04926.x/full
Expression of a bacterial feedback-insensitive DAHP synthase of the shikimate pathway in Arabidopsis elucidates potential metabolic bottlenecks between primary and secondary metabolism. Tzin, V. Malitsky, S. Moyal Ben Zvi, M. Bedair, M. Sumner, L. Aharoni, A. and Galili, G. (2012). New Phytologist. 194(2):430-439
A friend in need is a friend indeed: Understanding stress-associated transcriptional networks of plant metabolism using cliques of coordinately expressed genes. Avin-Wittenberg, T. Tzin, V. Less, H. Angelovici, R. and Galili, G. (2011). Plant Signaling and Behavior. 6: 1294-1296.
Coordinated gene networks regulating Arabidopsis plant metabolism in response to various stresses and nutritional cues. Less, H. Angelovici, R. Tzin, V. and Galili, G. (2011). Plant Cell. 23 (4):1264-1271.
New insights into the shikimate and aromatic amino acids biosynthesis pathways in plants. Tzin, V. and Galili, G. (2010). Molecular Plant. 3 (6): 956-972. (Review)
Principal transcriptional regulation and genome-wide system interactions of the Asp-family and aromatic amino acid networks of amino acid metabolism in plants. Hadar, H. Angelovici, R. Tzin, V. and Galili, G. (2010). Amino Acids. 39 (4):1023-1028 (Review)
The biosynthetic pathways for shikimate and aromatic amino acids in Arabidopsis thaliana. Tzin, V. and Galili, G. (2010). The Arabidopsis Book. 8. e0132 (Review)
Expression of a bacterial bi-functional chorismate mutase/prephenate dehydratase modulates primary and secondary metabolism associated with aromatic amino acids in Arabidopsis. Tzin, V. Malitsky, S. Aharoni, A. and Galili, G. (2009). Plant Journal. 60 (1):156-167.
Lead accumulation in the aquatic fern Azolla filiculoide. Oren Benaroya, R. Tzin, V. Tel-Or, E. and Zamski, E. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. (2004). L 42 (7-8): 639-645.
Transgenic plants having altered DAHP synthase activity. Galili, G. Aharoni, A. Tzin, V. Malitsky, S. and Rogachev, I. (2010). Application number: PCT/IL2011/000535
Transgenic plants having altered levels of aromatic amino acids and metabolites derivatives. Galili, G. Tzin, V. Aharoni, A. and Malitsky, S. 2008. Application number: PCT/IL2008/001569